Ian Whitehurst

Call 1994


"Ian has a very strong presence in court and takes no prisoners when it comes to dealing with tricky judges or opponents. He has good legal and analytical skills, and his written submissions are of a very high quality."

The Legal 500 2024
Photo of Ian Whitehurst

Professional Discipline

Ian has extensive experience in cases relating to the regulation of professional conduct across numerous fields representing solicitors, teachers and sporting professionals. He has advised solicitors accused by the SRA of misusing client funds and breaching their duties to the Court of Protection. Furthermore, in relation to the teaching profession he has appeared in contested proceedings involving allegations of sexual misconduct and breaches in safeguarding policies. In the area of Sports Law he has advised and represented nationally recognised sports coaches accused of safeguarding failures in disciplinary tribunals. In this area of practice there is a considerable overlap with employment law disputes which Ian has also acted in to ensure a continuity of approach in representation.

Professional Discipline Cases

Successfully represented a sports coach in an ongoing sports disciplinary case concerning allegations of breaches of safeguarding towards young athletes.

Representing a former teacher in TRA proceedings accused of historical sexual abuse allegations.

Representing a teacher accused of historical sexual misconduct whilst a headmaster in the 1970s.

Representing a solicitor in an SRA investigation accused of misusing client funds.

Representing a solicitor in an SRA investigation accused of misconduct in Court of Protection Proceedings.