Alfred Weiss

Call 2006

"He is a robust and incisive advocate, an excellent communicator, approachable, and has deep understanding of the law. He asks the right question at the right time."

The Legal 500 2024
Photo of Alfred Weiss

Commercial Fraud

Alfred is a sought after Junior with a thriving Commercial Fraud specialism.

He is experienced in cases concerning Fraudulent Misrepresentation, Negligent Misrepresentation, Conspiracy and the economic torts generally, breaches of directors’ duties, breach of equitable duty, Duress and Undue Influence.

Alfred is instructed in both substantial High Court litigation, and domestic and international arbitration.

He is accustomed to dealing with applications for urgent injunctive relief in commercial fraud cases, including Freezing Injunctions, Proprietary Injunctions, Norwich Pharmacal Orders, and other forms of interim relief.

He is a team player, content to receive instructions as sole Counsel or as part of a Counsel Team.

Commercial Fraud Cases

Recent cases include:

  • Instructed in Fraudulent Misrepresentation claim involving a fraudulently procured transfer of title to a property.
  • Acting on behalf of a company in a claim against the estate of a company director alleged to have carried out a historic fraud against the company.
  • Trial counsel (lead Junior) in multi-million dollar Fraudulent Misrepresentation claim brought by way of international arbitration.
  • Injunctive relief – responding to application to restrain allegedly fraudulent misrepresentations made by a sales team as part of a conspiracy to the detriment of their market competitors.
  • Freezing injunction – worldwide freezing order involving clients resident overseas and assets held overseas.
  • Norwich Pharmacal relief – order for disclosure of documents against a bank allegedly caught up in the fraudulent misrepresentations of a property developer made to his former business partner.
  • Various liquidator claims against directors alleged to have carried out frauds against the companies of which they were directors.