Eddy Steele

Call 2022


Photo of Eddy Steele


Eddy has significant practice experience in the specialist field of Rape and Serious Sexual Offences.

Starting in 2009 at a criminal defence firm of solicitors, Eddy has been dealing with sexual offences for a number of years.  He has significant experience of defending individuals at PACE interviews and representing them at hearings in the Youth Court and Magistrates’ Court.

Moving forwards, since being called to the Bar and joining Exchange Chambers in 2022, Eddy has already appeared at a number of courts across the northern circuit and north eastern circuit, as prosecution counsel and as defence counsel, in respect of rape and serious sexual offences, for all types of hearing.

RASSO work continues to be a mainstream and predominant specialist area of Eddy’s caseload.

As well as having a highly developed skill set in respect of jury advocacy and effective case management of complex multi-handed Crown Court cases, Eddy also possesses particular skills required to competently undertake RASSO work.  This includes managing extremely sensitive cases reliably, including cases with child or vulnerable witnesses.  He also brings a strong working knowledge of substantive law and CPS policy on rape and serious sexual abuse, and an in-depth working knowledge of forensic and medical evidence in respect of DNA in rape and sexual assault cases.

His experience sitting as a deputy coroner, dealing with pathology/medical evidence coupled with vulnerable/grieving stakeholders, has demonstrably advantaged Eddy’s aptitude and ability to competently and reliably manage complex case strategies and court proceedings that involve evidence in respect of emotionally charged and/or traumatic life incidents.

Eddy’s recent workload within the RASSO specialism includes:

  • Defending a juvenile at Youth Court in a trial in respect of an allegation of rape against another school member,
  • Prosecution of a controlling and coercive Crown Court trial in a case in which the allegations involved, as a part of the substantive offence, non-consensual BDSM acts and re-enactments of hardcore pornography,
  • Appearing as prosecution counsel in respect of a sentencing exercise concerning a stranger rape, at a hearing where the victim read powerful VPS testimony into the record and in respect of which the victim provided the CPS with specific feedback that they found Eddy to be appropriately supportive before, during and after the hearing,
  • Defending a young adult male in respect of an allegation of attempting sexual communications with a child at the Crown Court, in a case involving decoy and phone recording evidence,
  • Technical advice at PTPH, FCMHs and PTRs in respect of amending indictments prior to arraignment, and advice in respect of collateral matters at trial day one in respect of appropriate pleas,
  • Proficient working knowledge and experience in advising and representing the CPS at PTPHs in respect of section 28/special measures matters,
  • Various examples of positive feedback from instructing solicitors and defendants when defending, and from the CPS (both reviewing lawyers and CPS paralegals) and witnesses.