David Fearon

Call 2013


“David is always efficient, effective, empathetic and organised.”

The Legal 500 2024
Photo of David Fearon


In addition to being a specialist in construction, engineering and process engineering work, David deals with general commercial dispute resolution in relation to a wide range of matters.  These include general property related disputes, supply only contracts, labour only contracts, supply of goods and services, IT, disputes with utility providers, specialist manufacturing contracts and associated issues and damage arising from hazardous materials, negligence and nuisance.

David has acted for a wide variety of clients including insurers, individuals, business owners, international employers, developers, consultants, major, medium and small contractors and specialist sub-contractors.

His professional qualifications, extensive practical experience and technical knowledge aid him in providing early case assessments and advise and dispute resolution support on contractual and professional negligence matters.

David has experience of and accepts appointment as adjudicator, arbitrator, legal adviser to arbitrator and mediator.

David is a registered public access practitioner.

Commercial Cases


Specialist IT contractor in relation to claims for payment arising from dealing with “Millennium Bug”

Sale of business and licence agreement for musical instrument manufacturer

Football club on disputes with its utilities providers.

Specialist subcontractor on claims arising from fatality due to crane collapse on site. Insurer and insured on claims arising from fire; allegations of fire damage to adjacent property.

Specialist fabrication subcontractor; claims arising from manufacture of steel goods.

Group of franchisees in dispute with franchisor on contract and payment

Glass manufacturer on dispute with utilities provider in respect of damage caused to the glass manufacturers kilns and other plant by reason of power failure.

Specialist testing subcontractor in relation to dispute arising from testing of drain and water piping.


Major UK Plc in defence of a £7,000,000 agreement for lease dispute.

Homeowner’s claim against insurance arising from subsidence

Advice on Party wall disputes

NHS Trust on dispute in relation to water ingress to one of its properties

Local authority on breaches of tenant’s obligations in lease of motorcycle track.

Claim by hotel owner arising from flooding of property from adjacent land

Private clients in dispute against neighbours in adjacent property, damage to which had caused damage to their property.