Ian began legal life as a solicitor. His career developed from assistant solicitor to equity partnership involving general common law litigation and crime. He amicably left a very successful firm to seek fresh and stimulating challenges at the Bar in 1990.
His experiences as a solicitor and at the bar include general common law, family work and appearances as instructing solicitor and counsel in the Divisional Court, Court of Appeal and House of Lords. His personal injury work during early years at the bar included patient and infant approval cases.
Although latterly concentrating on serious criminal cases, an increasing volume of work involved mental health issues and led to a part time appointment to the mental Health Review Panel.
Subsequent experience linked to Court of Protection work involves:
- Determining applications under sections 2 and 3 MHA 1983 (as amended).
- Determining applications pursuant to sections 37/41 MHA and section 75.
- Ruling on various aspects of Guardianship and Dols.
Ian also determine appeals in relation to Legal Aid Agency matters, recently involving a determination on the operation of Reporting Restriction Orders in the High Court.