Justice Week 2021
March 1, 2021
Welcome to the start of Justice Week 2021. Hosted for its third year by the Bar Council, CILEx and the Law Society, Justice Week 2021 takes place from 1 to 5 March 2021, exclusively online.
“Whilst some question the efficacy of specific days or even weeks to mark particular causes, Justice Week is a timely opportunity to think about the concept of justice, the systems via which we access it and how effective access is,” explains Celestine Greenwood, barrister at Exchange Chambers.
Justice Week begins with publication of a major new piece of opinion research, establishing how high justice issues are on the public agenda.
The public will be asked what they think the impact of COVID-19 has been on their rights to access justice, and on the justice system more widely. The results of the survey will be available later in the week and barristers from Exchange Chambers will be commenting on the findings.
In the meantime, let Justice Week remind us and reinvigorate our commitment to that made by our ancestors as long ago as 1215 and enshrined in Magna Carta:
“To no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay right or justice.”
For more information on Justice Week 2021, visit the Bar Council’s website here and the Law Society’s website here.