Exchange Chambers’ Leeds Crime Team Hosts Successful Mock Trial at the University of York

February 29, 2024


Last week, Nick Johnson KC and Charlotte Noddings from the Exchange Chambers Leeds Crime Team, organized an engaging and educational mock trial at the University of York. The event was comprised of three sessions designed to provide students with a comprehensive insight into the world of advocacy and the workings of the Bar.

Session 1: Introduction to the Bar

The first session served as a broad introduction to the Bar, allowing students to gain a deeper understanding of the profession. Exchange Chambers’ experienced barristers shared valuable insights into the daily challenges and rewards of practicing law. This initial session aimed to inspire and inform students and set the stage for the subsequent activities.

Session 2: Advocacy Skills

In the second session, participants delved into the heart of advocacy skills. Led by Nick Johnson KC and Charlotte Noddings, the team created a case problem, assigning students different advocacy roles to navigate throughout the trial. This hands-on approach provided a practical understanding of the intricacies involved in presenting a case, honing the students’ abilities to argue convincingly and articulate legal points effectively.

Session 3: Mock Trial

The Mock Trial itself was held in the moot court room at the university. Nick Johnson KC took on the role of judge, overseeing the proceedings.  Barristers from Exchange Chambers played the roles of witnesses, adding authenticity to the trial.

All participants brilliantly showcased their newly acquired advocacy skills. The students demonstrated both legal acumen and ability to handle the complexities of a courtroom setting.

The mock trial was a testament to the dedication and expertise of the Exchange Chambers Leeds Crime Team, ensuring that students gained practical experience in a supportive environment.

Winner and Runners Up:

At the end of an intense and enjoyable mock trial, Edward Bray emerged as the deserving winner. His outstanding performance set him apart from his peers. Additionally, three commendable runners-up were recognized for their impressive contributions: Ben Chin, Abigail Batterton, and Amelia Sharp-Saxby.


The University of York Mock Trial, organized by the Exchange Chambers Leeds Crime Team, proved to be a resounding success. The combination of insightful introductions, hands-on advocacy training, and the mock trial experience created a unique and valuable opportunity for students to explore the world of the bar.

Congratulations to the winner and runners-up, and thank you to Nick Johnson KC, Charlotte Noddings and the Exchange Chambers team for their commitment to fostering the next generation of bar professionals.