Robert Dudley secures guilty verdict in rape trial

January 24, 2017

Robert Dudley from Exchange Chambers has secured a guilty verdict in a rape trial at Liverpool Crown Court.

Yassar Murat Ayuc, 49, targeted a vulnerable victim, giving her a lift in a car to a secluded spot near Rock Ferry Oil Terminal where he raped her.

A jury rejected his not guilty plea and found Ayuc guilty of raping her in the early hours of Sunday, June 5 last year.

Robert Dudley said forensic examination revealed Ayuc’s DNA on her clothes.

Judge Brian Cummings QC jailed Ayuc for nine years, with an extended five years on licence.

The rape trial received local press coverage.

Rob specialises in prosecuting and defending serious criminal cases, particularly matters of fraud; drug trafficking; money laundering; counterfeiting and sexual offences, but also including murder; conspiracy to murder and serious multi-handed violence. He was called to the bar in 1993.

Rob is a category 4 CPS prosecutor who is on the Rape and Child Sexual Abuse List, the Fraud Panel, the Serious Crime Panel and Proceeds of Crime Panel.  He regularly conducts prosecutions for CPS Specialist Fraud Division, Complex Crime Unit and Organised Crime Division and has advised HMRC’s Criminal Advisory Team on policy matters.

He is a key and experienced member of the criminal team at Exchange Chambers.